How to Get More Followers on Instagram in UK | Increase Instagram Followers in 2024

Nelson Grey

Last Updated: May 24, 2021 - 5 min read

get more followers on instagram
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Instagram is considered to be one of the main platforms on social media to gain exposure. This coverage or publicity could be used for several purposes. Some of us like to go with a personal account – a place to showcase what one likes or prefers over something else. Likewise, another category is into giving some boost to businesses or brands. In either case or situation, it is very daunting and painstaking to get organic followers on Instagram using the best Instagram Growth services.

In this article, we have helped all those individuals who are looking to elevate their stagnant growth to another level. Also, if you read this article you will be able to achieve the following.

  • How to get the first hundred followers on Instagram?
  • Tactics to get the first thousand Instagram followers
  • How to boost from 1000 to 5000 and 10,0000 followers on Instagram?
  • Conclusion – Last Verdict: Is Increasing Followers on Instagram Easy?!

How to Get the First Hundred Followers on Instagram in the UK?

After making an account on Instagram, everyone looks for methods to get the first hundred initial Instagram followers. However, for a brand or business that has already a group of people and community to work in, building the initial followers is not difficult. You can use different ways like inviting your customers on Instagram through the newsletter. Now as you are expecting action from your customers you must define what incentive they will get. You can announce an offer for the first 100 followers or can award them with gift. But if you have a large email list of whom you have invited then make different offers so that all can avail of the discounts.

Like the first 100 followers will get a 30% discount and the next 100 will get a 20% discount and so on. In this way, if the customer receives your mail later he will also get the chance to get discounts and exciting offers. But before you invite your customers to follow you on Instagram, make sure your profile is built properly and has attractive posts to engage customers. Coming towards the brand or a person with no community, you can invite your friends and family to follow you.

In this way, you can get the initial free Instagram followers easily without spending a single penny. In this case, also, you must add some engaging posts to your profile. However, it’s not compulsory in this case but it will give a positive message to your circle.

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For website owners, it’s quite easy to build initial followers by adding your Instagram profile link to your website. It will be seen by every visitor and they are most likely to follow you on Instagram. Now it was just a starter on ‘How to get more Instagram Followers. Below is the proper strategy you must follow to build your initial 100 free Instagram followers.

Strategy 1: “Something’s is coming…”

The first strategy is to alert the people with the message “Coming Soon”. Whether it's your business's new product, website, discount offers, or anything that is targeted toward the people. Start with working over your profile strategically and artistically. Use an attractive profile picture and a short bio that can actually deliver the right message and can deliver your purpose. If you have a website or any other link that can give worth to your Instagram profile add it without any delay. No matter if the site is under development or how it looks, adding the link to your website will make your profile reliable.

As it will spread a positive voice about your brand and will ultimately help you to have followers. But this doesn’t mean that it will give you 100 followers in a blink of an eye. However, it will assist you and make your profile strong. To make your profile strong and look reliable, be very careful while writing the bio and adding the posts. The profile description should be such that it describes and clearly conveys the message of your brand and the purpose of your existence. For example, if you are providing a free consulting service you must state it clearly in your profile description. Even if you have designed the discount offer strategy define it so that people will be encouraged to follow you.

After that, work on your first post. Make sure that your first post should be very attractive, descriptive, and designed in such a way that it not only looks good but also explains the message clearly. This will have a huge impact on your potential customers and they are more likely to follow you.

For ease you can follow this strategy:

Start with the Brand Picture follow by the well-written Brand Description and Incentive to attract your potential customers. And this strategy will end with adding a Website to your profile.

Unfortunately, building a profile will not only work. You must look (in fact you should look) for some more ways and strategies. One of them is to follow the accounts of your niche with a worth of 10K followers. After that, follow their followers at least 10 and build a strong relationship with them. Like their post, add a comment, and respond to their stories.

You can also introduce yourself by sending a short introductory message and telling them about your brand. Being the conversation starter with the new accounts and leaving them a message about your brand can convert them into your followers. Even if they don’t follow you, in the beginning, they will most probably look at your profile once. And this tactic can build your initial followers on Instagram.

Strategy 2: “A Rising Star”

If you want more insights on how to get more Instagram followers, then here is the second strategy, Rising Star. This strategy targets those who are making their personal brand like a model, photographer, chef, or anything like that. For such brands that don’t have a BIG community nor are working over such a business, this rising strategy will be ideal for you. It doesn’t mean that you can’t follow strategy 1.

In fact, the first strategy is still valuable for you even if you are working on a personal brand. In fact, now the importance of the first strategy increased as having a strong profile will be useful in establishing a personal brand. Now before interacting with the people (to get followers), you must work over your feed. Because now you are not bringing any BIG or COMING SOON-like Thing for your followers.

Therefore, you must have attractive posts to convert them into their followers. At this point, you might be wondering, “how many posts you must have in your feed to attract people?” And “How to get more Instagram followers through the posts?” Well, there is no exact limit. But in my opinion, having 9-12 posts (don’t go below this) in the beginning will be a good start. So, if a potential customer visits your profile you must have sufficient content to deliver your message.

Remember that the sequence of your posts should be decided very wisely as you are going to increase your followers. The layout of your gallery is very important along with the quality of your images. Having a well-designed and managed gallery will tell your customers that you are very serious and passionate about your brand. If you are finding it difficult to choose the layout and style of your gallery, then go through different influencers of your niche and check out how they have designed their gallery and profile. You can also follow a theme that will also depict your brand image and it will boost your followers more sharply!

Along with this the frequency of your published post also counts a lot. If you are going to add 9 to 12 posts in the beginning then don’t publish all of them in a single day. The best approach is to publish it in 3 to 4 days with a time gap. It also tells how you will post in the future. However, this is my opinion there is no hard and fast rule but maintaining a post frequency and theme of your brand will stand you quickly among other accounts. Another approach is to use hashtags, but be very careful and think twice before using the hashtags. Because hashtags can give you the next level advantage and can bring more followers.

Add approximately 30 different hashtags per post so that your potential customers can easily find your profile. Moreover, you must choose a variety of hashtags with different post shares. Chose half hashtags with 1k-20k shares and chose some with more than 10mil+ shares. The diversity in choosing a hashtag will boost your posts and this activity will leave a great impact on your profile. In fact, this activity can build a healthy relationship with your customers at the beginning which is very essential and worthy. But remember that the hashtags you are going to use must be relevant and go well with your posts and profile.


  • Build a strong ad attractive profile and encourage people to follow by giving them the incentive
  • Create a relationship with the people that are interested in your posts
  • Develop your own layout and theme, especially in your initial posts
  • Use a wide variety of hashtags that are relevant to your brand and posts

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Tactics to Get the First Thousand Instagram Followers in the UK:

After building initial followers through the above tactics, design your next strategy to get the first thousand free Instagram followers. Follow the below strategy and boost up your process of getting followers:

  1. Discover the BIG accounts of your niche that have a greater number of followers than is 50K+ followers. Make sure that these accounts have some business niche and that their followers are in the same category as yours.
  2. Now check the discovered followers one by one. Look at their followers and analyze whether their followers are authentic or not. For this, you can use the tools like Fameaudit and SocialAuditPro
  3. If you found that the followers you discovered are being followed by the real followers then start following them. Build a relationship with them. At this point, I recommend following the profiles that are owned by the individuals instead of companies or brands (you can judge through their profile pic. If it’s a logo, avoid following it).
  4. After some time, check whether the profiles you follow have followed you back or not. If they have not followed you then you can unfollow them as we are here to get followers. For this, you can use different apps that will figure out who is following you back and who is not. Take out some time and search for the best app for this purpose.

These four steps can fasten your process of getting followers. No matter how many followers you get you will still look for tricks on how to get more Instagram followers. So, the above steps describe the remarkable strategy to get high followers. 

Now you might be thinking that what will be the success ratio of this process? So, there is a 20% chance that people will follow you back. And this 20% can work like magic. You can increase your success ratio of following back by the profile you follow by expanding this process. The more you follow the more you will be followed. For this, focus on your profile, build it perfectly and go with a pattern. It has been observed that you will have more followers if your profile has the below attributes:

  • Have a real profile and look
  • Have a high number of followers
  • Have the most attractive and descriptive posts
  • Have a theme and pattern that defines your profile

In this whole process of getting a large number of followers, you may follow or unfollow some large and BIG accounts. For this, you need to be highly active. You can turn ON the post notification feature for such accounts and in this way, you will be notified of their activity. Every time they come up with a new post you will get a notification. At this point, you need to create their presence very wisely. Because if you are following them, there will be many people like you that are also following that particular follower.

So, you need to be very wise and go with the strategy. You will find that there will be a lot of general comments like “So true”, “Exactly”, “Awesome post”, and “Great”. Don’t comment on this and lose the opportunity to stand out among others. These types of generic comments will not get any highlights and people know that they are the followers who want to engage with them. But for engagement and building a strong relationship, you must comment on something different that is related to their post. For getting attention you can ask a question.

Combining and using a mixture of all the above-defined strategies will boost your process and will help you to get 1000 followers! Once you reach the mark of 1000, be very careful now. Schedule your posts and the type of content you will publish in the future as it will save you a lot of time. Plus, you can design your posts more efficiently and along with saving time, it will drive massive traffic.

How do Boost from 1000 to 5000 and 10,000 Followers on Instagram in the UK?

After realizing the fact that Instagram provides a powerful ground for flourishing, it’s the right time to use it more effectively and wisely to have sky-high users and followers. Wait, that doesn’t mean that you were doing wrong before nor I am saying to stop applying all the previous strategies. Those strategies were great as they have got your followers but adding some more techniques from today will give a quick boost to the number of followers. Even if they fail to do so they will not lower your followers.

  • Go for Paid Ads: If you are working to make a solid foundation of your brand (and not only sharing your pets and food stories) then investing some funds in Instagram ads will be the ideal option.
  • Make an Instagram Post Publishing Strategy: Work over your Instagram post as now every second you spend on Instagram is meant to drive followers dramatically.
  • Organize and Schedule Your Social Media:
  • Before moving ahead, plan and build a proper strategy for your social media.
  • Make a mixture of video, image, and text-based posts
  • Use the calendar, feed, and grid preview option
  • Go with Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter social accounts

See Also: Best Place to Buy Instagram Followers in the UK

Start Planning your Posts Now!

Before investing in Instagram ads, make sure that you have a business account. In case of non-availability of the business account, don’t get hassle you can have it quickly with the below method.

  1. Open your profile and find the Settings option next to Edit Profile Button
  2. Go down the page and you will find the Switch to Business Profile Tab. If you find the button of Switchback to Personal Account, it means you already possess a business account
  3. To have a perfectly optimized business profile act upon the provided instructions. (FYI – for this you need the Facebook page with the role of an admin).

Now, the best thing is that you can connect your Instagram and Facebook accounts. Use the Facebook Ads Manager Panel and design an appealing ad to boost your post on Facebook. According to the type of post, make the targeting strategy and decide on the ad placement place and see if it works for you to increase the number of followers. I would recommend you make an eye-catching video ad and publish it as an Instagram story.

As Instagram stories will attract more people and ultimately more followers as compared to a simple post. Remember after making a strong bond with the Instagram influencers stay connected with them.

Influencers are great people!

Because they are the top-notch way to have great followers! To connect with the influencer, you need to adopt something very different so you can stand out among the other interested people that want to be in connection with them. For this, try to make a short intro video (if it sounds good to you and you are not a shy person) and send them. Being a conversation starter with a unique style, you will definitely be able to catch their sight. Obviously, you don’t want to be in connection with only a single influencer.

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So, in case you have a list of great influencers, personalize your message accordingly, and don’t make the blunder of sending the video in a group chat. It will lose all your chances of getting in connection with them. To get great people on your list you need to be exceptional. You might be wondering, ‘how the influencer connections will boost my Instagram followers?’ So, the game is quite simple – but needs a wise planner. People on Instagram troll their friend's Instagram profiles to see whom they are following, and the images they like, and in short, they are going through the activity. If the influencer is in connection with you then definitely their circle will like to follow you.

More Influencers - More Followers

If you have not used this feature before then don’t waste more time and use it now. According to the Buzzfeed article, 67% of people use the ‘Following’ Tab. That is more than half of the users follow what their circle is following. If the influencer likes your post or comments on your post, their followers after analyzing their activity will definitely follow you.


  1. Actively participate in engagement groups
  2. Invest in ads to increase the traffic and followers on your post
  3. Make a strong bond with the influencers


Reaching 10,000 (10K) followers on Instagram is remarkable! Optimizing your Instagram profile can do magic with the number of followers. And one of the techniques is to add a link to your Instagram stories. Now at this stage, you can't afford to take the wrong step, therefore, you should consistently revise your Instagram Marketing Strategy. It will make sure that you are adopting the right strategies and of course on the right path.

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If any of the strategies seem to be unfit and are not going to any positive return you can stop following it further. But even after that keep an eye on your insights to make sure that you are doing great. After having a huge number of followers, it’s time to work over the ways to maintain this huge figure – 10K followers! For this, connect your followers through your post and it will act as a promotion tool for your profile as well.

  • Tag A Friend

The very first promotional and connecting activity is to design an emotional post that your followers can’t overlook. And ask them to Tag Your Friend on this post. For this, you can use a picture-based post and write tag a friend or tag a person who comes to your mind after seeing this picture or anything like that, in the post description. Remember that at this point, you are demanding action from your followers, so your post needs to be highly engaging. If it's not engaging and not moving people emotionally then you will lose the chance of promoting your profile through your followers.

  • Host a Giveaway

The best and most result-driven strategy is to announce a gift for your followers that they want. It can be anything of interest like food, books, clothing items, amazon gift cards, and other such giveaways that can actually force your followers to participate. For a detailed guide, check an informative article on how to run an Instagram contest.


  1. Motivate your follower to promote your brand
  2. Design the Tag as friend-like posts
  3. Use a giveaway strategy to increase your followers

Growing to 20,000 Instagram Followers and Beyond is Easy!!

All the previously designed strategies and techniques, are of high importance to grow and boost your account followers. However, after reaching the mark of 10K followers, you need to think very strategically as now your target is to have 20,000 followers. At this crucial point, I wanted to give my final thoughts that have actually given a positive result. Indeed, 10K followers are more than a huge figure and all can’t achieve this figure. But once you have marked this level you are no more an ordinary account.

Your following increases and similarly your credibility and worth growing up. Now it’s time to create your presence outside Instagram. Use your voice of credibility and attract people from other platforms. The followers of 10K provide a massive monetization opportunity, then why not avail of this unbelievable opportunity? Use this edge and work over the ways that how your voice can reach other online platforms instead of Instagram only. After attaining a figure of 10K followers you are done with Instagram and the Instagram game stops there.

So, think over the ways to use Instagram for business purposes. Ask the following queries to yourself: What value you are adding to people's lives? What are you delivering? What issues you are addressing? Are your followers are actually benefited from your post or not? After getting the answer to the above queries, figure out your potential audience and start giving value and comfort to them. For this you can think over the ways and can take the idea from the below ideas:

  • Answer your users in the YouTube Comment section and at Quora
  • Assist the people and solve their issues in Reddit Subreddits
  • Provide informational content on the related forums
  • Come up with the blogs that your audience wants to read

The above-stated points are a few ideas to get free Instagram followers and traffic on your profile. Warren Buffet once said that you should never rely on a single income source. Then why rely only on the Instagram platform and get followers from only one platform? You might be wondering how will you handle this daunting and time-taking activity. Relax it's quite easy and once you start doing this, you will do it quickly. On the other hand, you can hire a freelancer and get your work from him. Before you move over to Taylor Swift’s recent music video which is just awesome, don’t forget to go through the last but not the least way of a quick boost to your followers – Shoutouts.

The purpose of not adding this method, in the beginning, is because in the starting it will cost you very high. Plus, for a small account, it's not as worth going for a shout-out. Well, there is a quite cost-effective way of shoutouts, that is S4S (shout out for shout out) with a profile that has the same niche as yours and has the same followers as yours and above all is ready to go for S4S. Although you can go for S4S in the beginning, it is not the ideal case. Go for it once you reach the 10K mark as now it will be the best strategy you can adopt.

Moreover, at this point, you can pay for shoutouts because they don’t always have the S4S possible method. But before going for a paid shout-out, make sure that its worth is either equal to or greater than your profile. This may cost you around $50.


  1. Make your presence on other online platforms to get more traffic
  2. Plan for the shout-out activity with worthy Instagram accounts

Conclusion – Last Verdict: Is Increasing Followers on Instagram Easy?!

By following the above strategies, you can target more than 2 billion people (that is the monthly active users of Instagram according to Statista). Because creating your presence on a platform where people love to spend their time is the ideal case and ultimately it will drive massive traffic. Due to the fact that Instagram is ruling other platforms, it is catching all the brands, businesses, and freelancers to use this platform to grow themselves and their businesses.

No doubt, it will increase competition and will make it difficult to get huge traffic but by following the above-discussed strategies and putting in your efforts you can rule the game. At this point, some people may not agree with me but the thing is that engaging with your followers is the key to success. Publishing more and more content does not always work. And I have tried this technique. If you are also looking for the best ways how to get more Instagram followers then give a try to this technique.

Publish the post and stay active and engage with your followers and you will actually feel the difference. Now what? Your followers will rise and keep on rising! The gist of the story is to focus on publishing quality content that actually adds value to the life of people. For ease and positive outcomes take out time and schedule your posts once instead of doing it again and again. It will not only save time but will work like magic! I hope these strategies and my insights will prove to be informational for you and will assist you in driving huge traffic to your Instagram profile.

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Nelson Grey

Author & Editor

Nelson Grey is an expert in research, social media, and marketing strategies. With a degree in Marketing from the University of Manchester, he has honed his skills in creating impactful digital campaigns. Nelson is passionate about helping businesses build strong online presences and optimize their social media efforts.

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